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Concrete Wall

Three Common Themes



One common element of media we all share is our love for music. I see that others also use music platforms such as Spotify, and some even listen to the same podcasts I enjoy, such as New York Times.

Yixin Chen's Site

Jade Davis' Site


Media Challenges

Another common element of media that I share with others is our shared frustration with the complexity of certain software we use and the effort it takes to learn how to navigate them and use them efficiently.

Jiwon Kim's Site 

Rhea Phatak's Site


Reasons for taking the course

Another common element I share with others is my interest in taking this class to learn more about the effect of computers on the way we consume media today. Other people are also interested in how the changing landscape of the 21st century changes the way we view media.

Ziqiao Jin's Site

Benson Nguyen's Site


Based on what I have read from other pages, I would revise my media categorization to include games that I frequently play, apps that I use daily, and productivity sites. I also liked the distinction some people use to separate the media that they consume versus the media that they create. Issues that I did not identify but believe to be very valid is the overconsumption of media. The ease at which we can access all forms of media from our computers or phones makes overconsumption of content too frequent. 

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